
Trouble with Guessing

I'll have to admit, every year before the draft I watch and listen to Mel Kiper Jr.'s analysis of prospects. In the past I have been highly critical of Kiper's analysis and the choices he makes. However, as I now have taken on a similar task, I really have to give credit to Kiper and his colleagues for the work they put into this. In all reality, I wouldn't have even known where to start this blog if it weren't for these analysts. It really is a tough job to sort through ALL this information and try to guess where each person will go and how they will do. Seriously, who would have thought Big Ben Roethlisberger would drop all the way down to Pittsburgh and then lead them to 2 Super Bowls in 5 years. Kiper certainly didn't, and nor did I. All I can say to all those skeptics out there, for I was once one of you...... don't sit at your TV and mock Kiper for his decisions, he's actually been pretty dead on. Once my blog, or your blog recieves the number of hits Kiper's does than we can start dissing on him.
Photo courtesy of NY Times

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